Setting boundaries has become a hot topic in the veterinary world. Let me be clear that setting boundaries is not avoiding the problem. Setting healthy boundaries is setting very clear intentions with co-workers, clients and even loved ones on what you are willing to do and when, in order to protect your well-being and energy. […]
Continue readingDo not harden your heart. Soften. Lead with love and kindness. Be vulnerable with your clients that are being so vulnerable with you. Otherwise it makes for a sad and lonely existence.
Continue readingFear of judgement has kept me from shining in my veterinary practice and in my life. Learn how I process through this fear.
Continue readingI Resent My Stay At Home Spouse I am a full time veterinarian, small business owner, Mom of two, and I am married to Chad, a stay at home spouse. I often dream of working less and being home more to do the domestic duties to my satisfaction. Many of us in the veterinary world […]
Continue readingThe Mom Guilt is RealI am a veterinarian, business owner, Mom and wife and I suffer from Mom guilt. I find myself saying to myself “I am a bad Mom.”According to Urban Dictionary, Mom guilt is guilt a mother feels anytime she takes time to do something for herself, outside of work, that does not involve her children. As […]
Continue readingWe All Have the Same 24 Hours I am a veterinarian, small business owner, Mom of two and wife of one. I am as guilty as the next person with excuse after excuse as to why I can’t fuel and move my body in a healthy and loving way. I am too busy, work too […]
Continue readingI Was Ready to Hand Over the Keys to My Practice I used to think I wanted to work less and be home more, that was until I was forced to stay home. Many of us in the veterinarian world experience this. We work too much, are never home, are burnt out, stressed out, and […]
Continue readingI Am a Working Mom, Married to a Stay at Home Dad and the Fridge is Dirty Do you find yourself staying at work late just to avoid more work at home? Do you feel like your family doesn’t respect you and your hard work because they don’t empty the dishwasher and leave you a […]
Continue readingMan am I struggling right now with my eight-year-old daughter and her understanding of me working. She is a busy body and always wants to be on the move. She also wants to be with me every moment she can this summer. Lately though she has really been on my case about being at work […]
Continue readingNo one wants to have a crappy day. No one asks for bad stuff to happen. We can’t control how others around us act or the situations life throws at us. We can however, control how we respond to it all and how we want to feel. One evening recently, to create some space and […]
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